Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Bernanke was “a little puzzled”

Question: Mr. Chairman, you've always argued that it’s the stock of assets that the Federal Reserve holds which affects long-term interest rates. How do you reconcile that with the very sharp rise in real interest rates that we've seen in recent weeks? And do you think the market is correctly interpreting what you think is most likely to be the future path of the Federal Reserve's stock of assets? Thank you.

Bernanke: We were a little puzzled by that. It was bigger than can be explained, I think, by changes in the ultimate stock of asset purchases within reasonable ranges, so I think we have to conclude that there are other factors at work, as well, including, again, some optimism about the economy, maybe some uncertainty arising. So I'm agreeing with you that it seems larger than can be explained by a changing view of monetary policy.

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