Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Gold Speculators Least Bullish on Record as Rate Rise Approaches

Money managers are holding the smallest net-bullish bet on gold since the U.S. government data begins in 2006. They’re also dumping silver, platinum and palladium, and combined net-long wagers across the metals are the lowest ever. About $2.7 billion was erased from the value of exchange-traded products tracking the commodities last week, the most since March.

Money managers are holding the smallest net-bullish bet on gold since the U.S. government data begins in 2006. They’re also dumping silver, platinum and palladium, and combined net-long wagers across the metals are the lowest ever. About $2.7 billion was erased from the value of exchange-traded products tracking the commodities last week, the most since March.

“The Fed’s decision to restock the rate toolkit has got the gold market very nervous,” George Zivic, a New York-based portfolio manager at OppenheimerFunds Inc., which oversees $235 billion, said by phone. “We have already seen that gold did not perform as a safe-haven investment. There is not a single motivating reason to own gold.”

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